Box Braids Wash Update

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Hey Hairgineers, It’s been 4 weeks of box braids installation, here is another update on my braids wash. I washed my braids on the 20th Sept 2014, prior to my wash day I...

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Box Braids Wash Day

Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Hey Hairgineers, I am so excited to be back to give you guys updates and share my wash day like I mentioned in my debut post, though a bit late with this post...

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The purpose for establishing this blog is to provide highly practical tips, top quality tutorials and methods to achieve healthy hair.

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Crochet Braids---Healthy way for Braids Installation.

Happy New year Hairgineers, I will like to apologize for the long absence and lacks of blog posts uploads, this has been due to the fact t...